Monday, 16 July 2007

Die Hard 4.0 (aka Live Free, Die Hard)

This movie is good. It's a Die Hard flick, there is a standard.

Bruce Willis also looks exceptionally bald, the fact that he has shaved his head actually accentuates the baldness because you can see the stubble where the hair is growing back.

It's not a bad film, and the plot isn't too ludicrous, but I did feel slightly that it wasn't a Die Hard. There was a tendency to over-rely on gunfights and cheap stunts rather than focus on the everyday-cop-against-tremendous-odds charm that brought the franchise into it's own, indeed John McClane seems now to be more of a Hollywood tough guy than the wise-cracking detective that constantly got his ass kicked but somehow managed to come through in the end. At one point he even has to shoot himself to make up for the fact that the bad guys are doing such a piss poor job at doing so.

It's alright as an action movie, but it isn't really a Die Hard. Do not expect to be blown away. I won't touch on the subject of his daughter, that debate could go either way, and frankly I think that the only reason that Kevin Smith was in this movie was to lend it some cult credos.

This is a movie designed for action junkies and I can't help but feel that it is going to be the start of a trend of disappointing sequels to much loved franchises.

Rating: An unfortunate D

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