Monday, 4 June 2007

Smokin' Aces

Whilst not a bad film there really is very little to make Smokin' Aces stand out from the crowd, or to give it any rewatchability.

One of the final plot twists you can see coming from about 10 minutes into the movie, and given the basic premise of the story far too many people are still alive at the end. I really did feel kind of cheated by the overall lack of murder, especially considering that the bulk of the characters are unlikeable douchebags. Affleck dies early, which is a plus.

It's good see Ryan Reynolds getting a few more serious parts, he suits the kind of wisecracking role that was once the domain of Bruce Willis during his Die Hard/Last Boy Scout/Hudson Hawk years.

There are a few shocks and twists to the story that will keep you entertained, the action is enjoyable, the dialogue is good and the acting is top notch but the movie will leave you wanting something more. Mostly death.

Rating: C

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