Thursday, 16 August 2007


Homage, it's called a homage.

That has to be the only explanation as to why 90% of the dialogue has came straight from an internet script for Full Metal Jacket.

I forgive this fault though. Why Vast? Well I forgive it because it is Jamie Foxx delivering most of the borrowed dialogue and he is very, very good.

A film about being bored without taking on the nature of it's topic, frankly I have to call that a success.

Admittedly it is a tad anticlimactic, but then so was the real Gulf War so its about as good as you can expect really.

There is a fairly decent story to the film and plenty of dark humour to keep you entertained, and every scene with Jamie Foxx in it is worth watching (can you tell that I have great respect for his acting ability?).

I don't want to suck him off or anything.

Rating: A commendable B

Napoleon Dynamite

Nothing happens.

Rating: F